Thursday 7 July 2011

The London Diaries......Day 1

I love London. I can't help it. No matter how much I may try to get away from it, I love London. Today, I decided that I will make the most out of my mum's oyster card. With Zone 1 to 6 fully loaded, there was nothing stopping me. Making sure that my Phone battery was fully loaded and my headphones were working normally, I put on my walking shoes and stepped out of my house hoping to cover as much as I could.

Getting on the Route 56 from Lea Bridge Road towards Clapton, I could not help but begin to think of many ways in which to write to my Local MP to conceive a plan on banning school children from speaking on the bus. Even turning up 'Testing Microphone' (why I love that song till this day I do not know) to the loudest and gazing hard out of the windows, I could still hear the little girls speaking about their 'boyfriends' and the little boys talking about their latest 'creps'

Delighted, I got to Clapton and got off and then boarded the bus 253 heading towards Euston station. What followed for the rest of this journey was what I like to call 'The Race Transition'. Don't judge me but If you live in Hackney and have every boarded the 253 to Euston or boarded the Route 73 to Victoria you must agree with me that as the bus comes out of certain areas the 'hue' of the people in the bus changes. I've always wanted to make a short film on this but let me put it this way...Popsy doesn't want to invest in a camera and I'm saving up for holiday! Back to the point, I actually enjoyed this journey as I had to take this bus to Secondary school every day till i finished my GCSEs. Gazing out of the window I couldn't help but notice how much I had missed and how much had changed since I left London. The new buildings springing up in Manor House, how Finsbury Park was looking rather quiet and less congested, the missing KFC in Fonthill Road; I was shocked. Approaching Camden I saw things were still the same. Camden was still its urban dream and my 99P shop was still standing. The goths were still alive lol! As we pulled up to Euston I was utterly shocked. New shops had sprung up where I used to sit and just chill with my friends after school and yes Krispy Kreme had done it. They had finally put the Cornish Pastry shop out of business!! I grabbed a donut though :)

Then I decided to walk to Kings Cross. The walk from Euston to Kings Cross is short and beautiful. London captures you in its metropolitan beauty just in a 5 minute walk. Then I saw the hotel that has been built and Saint Pancras and thought......How much will they charge? I laughed, got on the bus 73 and made my way to Oxford Circus.

I wont even bother describing the Oxford Circus journey. I'll just propose to the Mayor if he or she ever gets to read this blog; 'BORIS IF YOU ARE STILL MAYOR WHEN YOU READ THIS, MAKE OXFORD CIRCUS A PEDESTRIAN ONLY ZONE!' Right Rage over, back to loveliness :)

I then decided to attend the premiere of the Harry Potter movie. Well I wouldn't say attend. Simply because I stood, didn't see any celebrities and thought ' I don't really like Harry Potter as a film or novel so let me not disprespect myself by standing with these fans'. So i decided to walk through the square and wandered for whatever reason in a park that led me to the front of Buckingham Palace. I stood there just thinking 'Is her Royal Highness in there? What's she up to? Maybe she'll look out of her window and see me' Then reality caught up with me and I moved lol next stop Chinatown. Love it Love it Love it!! Got myself a nice little boxed noodle take away and walked into Leicester square (or the Love square). It holds a lot of memories for me as I fell in love in Leicester square. Cheesy I know but hey a girl can't help it. Wandered round the square for a while and then wandered in and out of Soho with immediate effect lol.

Finally I got on the Bus 38 which is no longer bendy :( sad times for fare skippers LOL. A rather peaceful journey apart from the couple infront of me that decided to profess their love by snogging their faces off for the rest of my journey. Yup thats another thing you might want to consider banning Boris lol

All in all It was a agood day. Didn't cover as much as I wanted to but hopefully mummy dearest will leave her oyster card on the desk again and I shall continue to explore London in all its beauty!!

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