Monday 4 July 2011

Next Stop is....

Hello. My name is Ngozi Medani. I am a Final Year Law Student. I am a girl. I am black. Yup intro's done. By July next year I will be an LLB Law with Politics graduate. I remember vividly before entering the University reading an article by the former Justic Minister Jack Straw in the Daily Mail (Yup i kick myself for reading the Daily Mail!) with the headline 'There are too many Lawyers in the UK'. I have also come across further articles complaining about the scarcity of Jobs in the Legal Sector. As a Law student this is very worrying as I amongst the hundreds of thousands of Law students will hope to get a job upon qualifying.
I understand that we are encouraged to broaden our horizons therefore apply to other sectors of employment but the question remains: Are there desirable jobs for us students that will not be graduating from so called 'Russell Group' Universities? The answer is rather unclear to me. It seems that the companies we seem to desire to be employer will first consider the top University graduates and then holders of 1st class degrees before the average 2.1 non Russell Group Graduate is considered for employment. These thoughts have inspired me to draft a sort of bail out plan should I ever find myself in competition from fellow 'Chosen' Students:

1) LEAVE THE COUNRTY ASAP: Yup there is a world out there. The UK does have a lot of lawyers and hey there are so many countries that I need to explore and perhaps have my own little effect on their legal system

2) SET UP A BUSINESS!: Innovation, Innovation, Innovation. Self Employment. Become my own Boss. Explore my more creative side and perhaps start up a little business for myself. Funding however could pose a problem but I'm sure there must be one amongst the thousands of quangos that can help out

3) GO BACK INTO EDUCATION: Mum and Dad always say, 'You are never too old to go back to school'. If one degree fails you......Perhaps do another. You might find an industry to be booming, Sit down think about the path to that career and then follow that path

Well those are the 3 plans that I have. What are yours? I'm not an inspirational speaker or writer and neither am I a writer but I hope that through this little post, you can sit down and think, What's the next stop for me after this degree?

1 comment:

  1. nice bail out plan, option no 1 is not really so ideal for this situation, why not start with any legal job You can find your hands on, be it
    voluntary on paid, from there You can get to a more better paid job, it might sound easy to say , I know how hard it is get into the UK legal industry, but Yu just have to take a shot at it, secondly education is not a bad idea, as a Lawyer , your degree combined with a counselling degree can embroaden our chances of job oppournities in different industries such as the education industry . well My idea is this , am an Analytical assistant, I have 2 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry , but yet the competition is still high to climber higher up the ladder , so my interest is if I get a PHD in my field of study I will get back to further education.
